Discipulus Hub
Mobile application provides support and resources to students visiting our Simulation Centres.
Tech Stack :
Discipulus-Hub, translated from Latin as Student Hub, is a mobile application created using PowerApps. It provides students visiting our Simulation Centres with a range of tools, resources, and guidelines in one easy-to-use mobile application.
Tech Stack:
- PowerApps
- Easily Accessible and Navigated
- PDF Viewer
- Barcode Scanner for Attendance
- Loggable Access and Usage using MS Accounts
Getting Started:
Accessible using a browser or through the MS PowerApps application on modern mobile devices. Click on this link to access the application directly.
- Finalize documentation
- Implement dark mode
- Release version 2.0.0
Contributions are welcome! Fork the repo and create a pull request or open an issue with the tag "enhancement" or "feature-request".
GitHub Repository:
Last Updated:
June 10, 2024
Discipulus-Hub is currently showcased on our website as an effective solution for students to access important information and resources.