
Easy to use tool to record timings and student details of OSCEs for future Editing.

Tech Stack :
Recordatio is an intuitive tool designed for recording timings and student details during OSCEs (Objective Structured Clinical Examinations). It facilitates easy data collection for future editing and analysis.
Tech Stack:
  • PowerApps
  • PowerAutomate
  • PowerBI
  • User-friendly interface
  • Clock-based timer
  • Automatic form filling with location and user data
  • Easy data submission via PowerAutomate
Getting Started:
Accessible via browser or MS PowerApps application on mobile and laptop devices.
  • Finalize documentation
  • Implement dark mode
  • Release version 2.0.0
Contributions are welcome! Fork the repo and create a pull request or open an issue with the tag "enhancement" or "feature-request".
Last Updated:
June 10, 2024
Recordatio is currently showcased on our website as an effective solution for OSCE data management, leveraging the robust capabilities of Microsoft's Power platform.