SimuGen is an AI tool for generating realistic clinical scenarios in healthcare education.
Tech Stack :
SimuGenGPT is an advanced AI tool designed to generate realistic clinical scenarios for healthcare education. It enhances learning by creating diverse, personalised simulations that promote critical thinking and prepare students for real-world healthcare challenges.
Tech Stack:
OpenAI GPT-4
NICE, JRCALC, and NHS guidelines
Realistic patient scenarios with detailed patient information
Diverse scenarios covering a wide range of medical conditions and backgrounds
Integration with UK healthcare guidelines and protocols
Capability to generate realistic images of wounds and injuries
Getting Started:
Accessible via browser.
Expand scenario database
Enhance scenario customisation options
Release version 2.0.0
Contributions are welcome! Fork the repo and create a pull request or open an issue with the tag "enhancement" or "feature-request".
Last Updated: June 19, 2024